About the Journal

Objects and Scope

Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is an international scientific journal which contains studies in the interdisciplinary fields of Law and Political Science, seeking to create spaces of specialised knowledge that benefit from the synergies that can and should exist between these two fields. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to review by external peers using the double-blind peer review system, and are published continuously during the year. Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is an open access platform, with no charge for publication or access, published exclusively on line in pdf format.


Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is published under a Creative Commons licence, Atribución 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0).

This licence allows other parties to combine, adapt and construct on the basis of its work for non-commercial purposes; although any new creations must acknowledge the authorship, and cannot be used for commercial purposes, there is no requirement for them to be subject to a licence imposing the same terms.

Adherence to International Declarations

Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is committed to open access and to good ethical practices in research, authorship and scientific publication; in line with these commitments, it promotes compliance with the following declarations in the various stages involved in the publication process:

Preservation of Digital Files

Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science supports the CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system for permanent, safe filing for the Journal.

Publication Costs and Access

In accordance with its open access policies, Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science allows free access to all articles published, and encourages the sharing and dissemination of the texts without cost to readers. All the articles are made permanently available in our site, free of charge, immediately after publication of the number. Complete access to the scientific articles published by the Journal in real time is through our official site. The open access policy of Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science complies with the definition of the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).

Sponsorship and Funding

Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is sponsored by Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

Publication is supported and funded by the Office of the Vice-rector for Outreach and International Relations, and the Legal, Economic and Administrative Sciences Faculty, of Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile.

History of the Journal

Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science embarked upon its activities in 2010. Its distinguishing feature is marked by its two permanent sections (Law and Political Science). Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is the successor to two journals previously published by the Law School of Universidad Católica de Temuco: Revista de Derecho de la UC Temuco [Law Review of UC Temuco] and Revista del CREA – Centro de Resolución Alternativa de Conflictos [Journal of CREA– Centre for Alternative Dispute Solving]. The object was to create a space for specialist knowledge in the fields of the Legal Sciences and Political Science through the publication of research works and the results of investigations carried out in Chile and worldwide. Since 2016, the Editorial Team has included political scientists of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and Public Administration of the University, in order to consolidate the development of the two fields of study named in our editorial policy. In 2017, the Journal altered its thematic focus to incorporate a management culture aimed at satisfying internationally recognised standards of quality and frequency.

Chief Editors of Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science.

Isnel Martinez 2022 to date
Pedro Goic 2020-2022
David Almagro 2018-2020
Juan Jorge Faundez 2016-2018
Iván Díaz 2013-2016
Jordi Delgado 2010-2013


Revista Chilena de Derecho y Ciencia Política
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Económicas y Administrativas
Universidad Católica de Temuco
Manuel Montt 056, Casilla 15, edificio 11, Campus San Francisco. Temuco, Araucanía, Chile.
CP: 4813302
Telephone: + 56-452 205429
E-mail: derechoycienciapolitica@uct.cl

ISSN: 0718-9389
eISSN: 0719-2150