Um debate teórico da tipificação do modelo de partido anarquista

Published 2023-05-04
Section Research Articles


  • Bruno Lima Rocha



Anarchist party, concentric circles, formation of cadres, radical democracy


The model presented in this paper is not an innovation for the political sciences. If studies on the subject are new or inexistent, if this format of political organization has not become an object of study, this is due to the co-rrelation of forces among mainstream academics, and also because the debates engaged in by the left wing around the world have not been transferred to the academic arena. This model enquires into the political organization of militants, specifically supporters of ideological-doctrinaire bodies. Because this is not a position adopted by mass groups, rather the opposite, it adopts a format of political cadres, without open affiliation and with a level of commitment that increases within ever smaller concentric circles. This type of organization acquires definitions over the course of its history, such as organicism, platformism and specifism, all of which are also identified with the definition of an anarchist party (specific federation).

Author Biography

Bruno Lima Rocha

Periodista, profesor de los cursos de Periodismo y Relaciones Internacionales de Unisinos, investigador del grupo Cepos y vice-líder del Grupo de Investigación Capital y Estado (CAPETA). Doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad Federal del Rio Grande del Sur (UFRGS).