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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal.

  • The file submitted is in either one of the following formats: .DOC, .DOCX, .RTF (using Microsoft Word).

  • The text spacing is 1.5 and the font is Times New Roman size 12.

  • The text meets the requirements on style and bibliography as stipulated in the Regulations for authors, which can be found under About the Journal.

  • The article does not contain any information which will allow the author(s) to be identified.

  • If the article is derived from a research project, the project name or code, source of funding and year must be indicated.
  • The title, abstract and keywords must appear both in the original language of the article and in English.

Author Guidelines

Submission of the Originals

Submission of the originals must take place through Journal’s website,, and in accordance with the deadlines posted in each publication call.

The originals must be sent in Spanish; in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format; in ‘Times New Roman’ font, size 12; and with 1.5 line spacing. If the work includes images or tables, these must be submitted in a separate file, with their respective places indicated in the manuscript.

Once the receipt of the manuscript is confirmed by the Journal, and in order to continue with the respective process of evaluation, all authors are required to sign the Declaration of Originality, which must be sent by e-mail to within 48 hours from the confirmation of reception.


Structure of the Manuscripts

Research manuscripts (doctrinal articles) must contain:

a) A title in English and Spanish;

b) A summary (abstract) in English and Spanish (max. 200 words);

c) Keywords in English and Spanish, with a minimum of three and a maximum of five words;

d) Introduction, development, and conclusion;

e) Footnotes;

f) Bibliographic references.

The manuscript may not indicate in any of its pages any data allowing the identification of its author or authors. Failure to comply with these requirements shall entitle the Journal to return the manuscript to the author for correction of the detected shortcomings.


Instructions for the Bibliographic References 

The author of the work must cite his sources of information, identifying the author and date of publication of the books, journals, theses, and other documents used, in the following ways:

a) As a footnote, in abbreviated form, where the reference is made,

b) At the end of the work, in full, after the completion of the text.

Bibliographic references of the works submitted for publication by the Journal must adhere to norm NCh 1143 Of. 1999, and its equivalent ISO 690, and NCh 1143/2 Of. 2003, and its equivalent ISO 690-2, as is explained below.


A) Abbreviated References (footnotes)

All footnotes should be included at the bottom of the page, and numbered using Arabic numbers in superscript. The footnotes should include references or abbreviated citations of works, standards, and jurisprudence, and only in exceptional cases may they include the content of texts.

The footnote should only include the first surname of the author (in CAPS), the year of publication (in parentheses), and the number/s of the specific pages in which the cited reference appears, in accordance with the following example:

1. Works by one author: CORREA (2007) p. 52.

2. Works by two authors: ALESSANDRI and SOMARRIVA (1974) p. 392.

3. Works by more than two authors: The previous format should be used, with the surname of the first author followed by “et al”: VERDUGO et al (2002) p. 189.

4. National and foreign legislation (Constitution, laws, decrees, etc.): The number of the law and its year should be indicated: Law 20,667 of 2013.

5. Jurisprudence: The name of the parties should be indicated in italics and the year in parentheses: Club Naval Marinero Ugarte vs. Armada de Chile (2012). If foreign or international sentences do not use this format, their respective styles will be maintained.

6. If citing two or more works in the same footnote: The rules established for each source should be followed, and each citation should be separated by a semicolon (;).

7.  If using two or more works published by the same author in the same year: The abbreviated reference should include the letter a, b, or c, within the parenthesis, and after the year, according to the chronological order of the publication. This should coincide with the same rule applied to the full bibliographic references cited at the end of the text.


B) Full Bibliography (at the end of the work).

The author must create a list that is limited to the works that are actually quoted and referenced in the work.

The list of bibliographic references should be arranged alphabetically by the first surname of the author. If various works by the same author are included, they should be arranged by publication date. If those works have been published in the same year, then after the year, within the parenthesis, the letter a, b, or c must be included, according to the chronological order of the author’s publications.

Journal articles and book chapters should indicate the page numbers of the beginning and end of the citation or reference.

Surnames should be written in caps, and names in lowercase.

If there is a work that has only a first edition, it will not be indicated. If it corresponds to subsequent editions, this should also be indicated as follows (second, third, etc.). If the work is in volumes, this should be indicated in the parentheses after the year of the consulted work.


1. Works by one author: Example: RAMOS, René (2012): Sucesión por causa de muerte (Santiago de Chile, Editorial Jurídica de Chile).

2. Works by more than two authors: The format indicated in the previous number should be used, but the names of all the authors should be included. Example: HORVITZ, María Inés and LÓPEZ, Julián (2002): Derecho Procesal Penal Chileno (Santiago de Chile, Editorial Jurídica de Chile, Volume I.

3. Works with an editor or coordinator: The abbreviations “ed.” or “coord.” are added, respectively, in parentheses. Example: CONTESSE, Jorge (ed.) (2012): El Convenio 169 de la OIT y el Derecho chileno (Santiago de Chile, Universidad Diego Portales).

4. Translated works by one author: The name and surname of the translator should be indicated in parentheses, after the title of the work. Example: ALEXY, Robert (2001): Teoría de los derechos fundamentales (Translation by GARZÓN, Ernesto), (Madrid, Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales).

5. Translated works with two or more authors: The format indicated in the previous number should be used, but the authors should be specified in accordance with the rules given for works by two or more authors.

6. Chapter or section by a single author: Example: SABA, Roberto (2008): “Igualdad, clases y clasificaciones: ¿Qué es lo sospechoso de las categorías sospechosas?”. In GARGARELLA, Roberto. Teoría y crítica del Derecho Constitucional (Buenos Aires, Abeledo Perrot, Volume II), pp. 695-742.

7. Chapter or section by two or more authors: The format indicated in the previous number should be used, but the authors should be specified in accordance with the rules given for works by two or more authors.

8. Article by one author in a serial publication: Example: VARELA, Jorge (2011): “Consideraciones sobre los desafíos que el Derecho Ambiental impone a la recepción del Derecho Internacional en el Derecho Interno”. In Actualidad Jurídica, Universidad del Desarrollo, Year XII, N° 24, July 2011. pp. 355-370.

9. Article by two or more authors in a serial publication: The format indicated in the previous number should be used, but the authors should be specified in accordance with the rules given for works by two or more authors.

10. Article by one author in a serial publication, in an electronic format: The format for an article by one author in a serial publication should be followed, but the website where the text was found and the date on which it was consulted should be added in parentheses. Example: COMANDUCCI, Paolo (1999): “Igualdad liberal”. In Revista Jurídica, Universidad de Palermo, Argentina, Year 3, N° 2, pp. 81-90. Available at: < article/view/48>. [Date of Access: March 11, 2013].

11. Article by two or more authors in a serial publication, in an electronic format: The format indicated in the previous number should be used, but the authors should be specified in accordance with the rules given for works by two or more authors.

12. Other documents in an electronic format: Example: BRAVO, Pablo. “La Polar y quiebra del consumidor”. Available at: < content/la-polar-y-quiebra-del-consumidor>.  [Date of Access: March 21, 2012].

13. Jurisprudence: At the end of the work, all the jurisprudential references must be listed under the title "Cited Jurisprudence ". This list should be limited to the judgments actually quoted or referenced in the work.

The judgments should be divided into two sections, one for rulings from national courts, and another for rulings from foreign and international courts.

13.1. Sentences of Chilean Courts: The sentences should be sorted chronologically and alphabetically by the name of the parties.

The final list of judgments must be presented as follows:

a) The name of the parties in italics and the year of the judgment (in parentheses and lowercase), followed by a colon (:);

b) The reference to the court that issued the judgment: Supreme Court; Court of Appeal (...); Court of Letters of (...); Constitutional Court; Court of Defense of Free Competition; etc.;

c) The identifying number of the case that corresponds to the cited judgment.

d) The date of the judgment, indicating the day and the year in Arabic numerals, and the month in lowercase letters.

e) The type of action, appeal, or corresponding procedure, and the identifying  number and year of the case in which the judgment was given, separated by a dash, in parentheses. The unique number of the case (RUC) should not be included;

f) If two or more judgments from the same case are cited, at the end of the reference (letter e), the information from the cited judgments should be indicated consecutively, without repeating the parties (letter a), indicating the year of the additional judgments.

g) The identification of the venue of the edition where the ruling was published, with its full or abbreviated title, as well as the volume, year, sections, and pages.

If it was taken from an online database, the URL and the date of access must be indicated in parentheses.

Example: Pereira con Ilustre Municipalidad de San Esteban (2012): Corte Suprema, December 21, 2012 (appeal for unification of jurisprudence, number 2658-2012). Available at: <>, [Date of Access: December 21, 2012].

13.2. Sentences of Foreign or International Courts, which do not use this format: These sentences should be sorted chronologically and alphabetically by the name of the parties, when possible. The parties and year (letter a, section 13.1) should be indicated first, followed by the identification of the venue of the edition, according to what was expressed in letter g of section 13.1. The rest of the references should follow the customary citation rules from their jurisdictions.


Publication of the Manuscripts

Once the manuscript is accepted, but before its publication, the author must sign the Contract of Publication with the Journal, which grants the right to publicly communicate the full text of the manuscript while ensuring that the author retains the moral and intellectual property rights of his work.

The publication of the manuscripts will take place based on order of acceptance following the evaluation of the external peer reviewers and the respective accepted changes. The editorial team will decide in which volumes the positively evaluated works will be published.

The authors issue consent for the publication of the works in the printed version of the Journal, on the website of the Journal, and in national or international databases to which the publication is subscribed, as per the terms and conditions indicated in the Contract of Publication.

Research Articles

Artículos originales que presenten resultados de una investigación, cuya extensión sea entre las 8 mil y 12 mil palabras (sin contar bibliografía). Los manuscritos serán sometidos a proceso de revisión por pares ciegos.

Book and article reviews

Las recensiones no deberán exceder de las 2000 palabras.

Estos escritos son sometidos al Comité Editorial, que decide sobre su publicación

Privacy Statement

Principle of Reserve

The articles will be reviewed under the most absolute reserve and confidentiality through double-blind peer review by external peer reviewers, who must respect the confidentiality of the manuscript. They may not publicise the contents in any way.

The Editorial Team will ask the author to eliminate from the work submitted to members of the International Scientific Committee any information allowing the author(s) to be identified.

Authors will be informed of the results of the assessment of their articles. They will receive the assessments of the peer reviewers to whom the manuscript has been sent. The identity of the peer reviewers will not be revealed.

Copyright declaration

Authors whose work is published in this journal accept the following terms:

The author transfers to Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science the rights of reproduction of his/her article once it has been accepted for publication. Consequently, the author authorises Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science to publish, distribute, sell, license, and reproduce the work all over the world and in all media and formats. Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science is authorised to publish the work in graphic, magnetic, electronic and all other known or subsequently developed media, and is free to decide in which media to publish. This authorisation also permits Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science to make derived works in general, such as abridgements, abstracts or translations, for publication, and to distribute the work both in Chile and abroad.

The author moreover grants the following attributions to Chilean Journal of Law and Political Science: a) Make whatever editorial changes to the article may be necessary to adapt it to the Journal’s publication rules, without modifying its substance, or to the rules established by the bibliographic and indexation databases in which Universidad Católica de Temuco may participate now or in the future; b) Create or modify abstracts or extracts of the article, in Spanish or any other language, and to edit and publish them as described in the preceding letter; c) Determine the typeface, format, class of paper, binding and other physical characteristics of the manuscript, on any physical or electronic or digital supports that exist now or may be developed in future; d) Carry out activities to promote and publicise the manuscript; e) Use the author’s name to promote the manuscript.

Authors are permitted and recommended to publicise their works through the internet (e.g. in remote files of institutions or in their own webpage) before and during submission, since this may produce interesting exchanges and increase citations of the published work. (See Effects of open access)