Ambiguous class of "optional sanctions" in the chilean doctrine and "composite sanctions" in the spanish doctrine

Published 2023-06-06
Section Derecho


  • Edison Carrasco Jiménez



optional sanctions, integrated sanction, plurality of sanctions


This article aims to demonstrate the ambiguous of the class of
"optional sanction" created by the chilean criminal doctrine, and the kind of
"integrated sanction" created by the Spanish criminal doctrine. This would be
because these types of penalties do not respond to a different class of calls
"copulative sanction" or "joint sanction" and the call "alternative sanctions", and
they together make up the qualifying "plurality penalties", as it would respond to
the kind of "alternative sanctions". Such qualification is based on the logical
configuration of penalties and legal-criminally in the discretion of the judge as an element of distinction in the plurality of sanctions. The importance of the problem is that while the "copulative sanctions" can produce certain legal consequences distinct from those of the characteristics of the "alternative penalties", the "optional sanction" and "integrated sanction" do not produce a different legal consequence of the "alternative sanctions", nor produced a different assessment.
For that reason, it is that the types of "optional sanction" and the "integrated
sanction", produce more confusion than clarity.

Author Biography

Edison Carrasco Jiménez

Doctor Derecho Penal, Universidad de Salamanca, España. Abogado U. de Concepción.