The rules in law 19.496 that give rise to civil and administrative liability

Published 2023-06-07
Section Derecho


  • Erika Isler Soto



Consumer rights, administrative liability, civil liability


While Law 19,496 on the protection of consumer rights establishes
that civil and administrative liability can arise from its rules, it does not
specifically mention the relationship that exists between them. In the same
way, the legislation is not clear in regards to where these liabilities come
from. This document examines what the legal doctrine has expressed on the
issue, as well as the legal rulings from which an answer could emerge. We
support a unified thesis that argues that the rules in this law produce both
civil and administrative action.

Author Biography

Erika Isler Soto

Profesora de Derecho Civil y Derecho del Consumidor, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins; Abogado; Licenciada en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Austral de Chile; Magíster en Derecho, mención Derecho Privado, Universidad de Chile; Magíster en Ciencia Jurídica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Doctora en Derecho (c), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Becaria Conicyt.