Political pluralism as a constitutional value. The Spanish approach

Published 2023-06-07
Section Research Articles


  • Enrique Díaz Bravo




democracy, political pluralism, freedom, constitutional values


The author analyzes the essential and characteristic features of
political pluralism in the democratic rule of law in Spain, placing emphasis
on the democratic constituent determined in the Constitution of 1978
were the existence of a set of higher values of its legal system ultimately
permeates and determines the society as a whole. Similarly, these values of
political pluralism (as a key for a democracy) are compared with a series of statements which allow observing the application and scope they have been
given both by Spanish and European courts.

Author Biography

Enrique Díaz Bravo

Académico de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Santo Tomás. Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, U. Central. Máster Derecho Constitucional, U. de Sevilla. Máster Estudios Hispánicos, U. de Cádiz. Doctorando Derecho Constitucional, U. de Sevilla.