Voluntary work, organizations or unconventional action, what motivates young Chileans?

Published 2022-01-21
Section Ciencia Política





Young people, participation, engagement


According to data from the ninth Youth Survey, published in December 2019, the participation of young people in all types of social ambits is at a low level. This work uses the survey database (N = 9700) to analyze the participation of young people in three dimensions explored in the survey: voluntary work, organizations and unconventional actions. The explanatory variables are: age, sex, socioeconomic level, educational level, quality of citizenship education, interest in politics and conversation about politics. To carry out the analysis we use logistic regression, working with the SPSS 25 software. In general, all the variables have a significant impact on the three dimensions, except for socioeconomic level, which is not significant in participation in voluntary work. Within the age range covered by the survey, 15-29 years, it is the youngest group, 15-19, that is most engaged.  

Author Biography

Roberto Mardones Arévalo, Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile

E-mail: rmardones@ubiobio.cl