Water re-use in the context of the circular economy and sustainability

Published 2023-05-04
Section Research Articles


  • Maria Claudia da Silva Antunes de Souza
  • Cesar Luiz Pazold




Water Re-Used, Circular Economy, Sustainability


The purpose of this article is to shed light on the consolidation of water re-use in the circular economy in Brazil, highlighting experiences in Spain, as a conventional strategic resource that will contribute to the effecti-veness of sustainability. This study is divided into two moments: the first deals with current water re-use practices in Brazil in the circular economy; the second addresses Spain's contribution to wastewater re-use as a contributing factor for more effective sustainability. It is concluded that water re-use is a reference and a useful model in Brazil, although not widely applied. The po-tential for re-use is an indisputable fact, but its consolidation as a conventional strategic resource is a challenge that demands a coordinated, rigid approach to the planning of future actions by all parties involved. Spain’s experience in this sector is very advanced; the actors involved contribute to putting the process into practice, and there is a structured normative and administrative apparatus, while Brazil lacks specific legislation. The methodology was inductive logic based on bibliographic and documentary research

Author Biographies

Maria Claudia da Silva Antunes de Souza

Doctora y Master en Derecho Ambiental y de la Sostenibilidad por la Universidade de Alicante – España. Master en ciencia Jurídica por la Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI. Profesora Permanente en el Programa de Post-Graduaçción Stricto Sensu en Ciencia Jurídica, en los cursos de Doctorado y Maestría, y en la Graduación en el Curso de Derecho, ambos de la Universidade do Vale do Itajaí – UNIVALI. Líder del Grupo de Investigación « Derecho Ambiental, Transnacionalidad y Sostenibilidad » registrado en el CNPq/EDATS/UNIVALI. Abogada.

Cesar Luiz Pazold

Doctor en Derecho del Estado por la USP. Masteren Salud Pública por la USP. Masteren Instituciones Jurídicas y Políticas por la UFSC. Profesorde “Teoria del Estado y de la Constitución” en el Curso de Doctorado en Ciencia Jurídica de la UNIVALI, en el cual actúa en las areas de Investigación ; « Derecho Ambiental, Transnacionalidad y Sostenibilidad » y « Principio Constitucional y Producción del Derecho » Abogado y Consultor de Empresas