Damages for infringements to competition law

Published 2019-06-24
Section Research Articles


  • Gabriel Budnik




Damages, types of damages, follow-on action, damage calculation


This paper seeks to analyze the legal and practical implications of article 30 of Decree Law N° 211 of 1973, amended by Law Nº 20,945, dated August 30th, 2016, which improves the system for the defense of competition. Based on the scarce national case law on damages due to infringements of competition law, as well as on the History of Law N° 20,945, the author interprets the scope of the current wording of article 30 and anticipates the main issues that must be resolved by new case law on this matter.

Author Biography

Gabriel Budnik

Abogado, Universidad de Chile. Diplomado en Libre Competencia, Pontificia Universidad Católica. Asociado en Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría. Su área de investigación es el derechode la competencia.