Ministers and pre-presidential candidates in Chile 1990-2014

Published 2023-05-31
Section Research Articles


  • Alejandro Olivares Lavados



Cabinets, pre-presidential candidate, Chile


Is being a minister an advantage to those seeking nomination as a presidential candidate? In Chile, leaders who might have presidential aspirations often emerge from cabinets. Several factors could influence this route to candidacy, such as being the visible face of the government, participation in networks, or the fact that voting is influenced by media and social media due to their powerful role in the society, making them an essential element in the formation of new political leaders. Despite this situation, researchers and experts have not investigated sufficiently the link between being a minister and being a pre-presidential candidate. The present article examines the possible dimensions of this link

Author Biography

Alejandro Olivares Lavados

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales. Profesor invitado del Departamento de Estudios Políticos de la Fac-ultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, sede Ecuador.