Evaluation and Accountability in the Cultural Policies in Chile

Published 2023-06-08
Section Ciencia Política


  • Cristian David Antoine Faúndez Universidad de Santiago de Chile




Cultural policies, asessment, public policies, State’s cultural actions


Even though chilean state has been developing a rather hectic activity in culture from very beginnings of the republic, these advance haven’t crystallized yet in an actual policy for these affairs. Not with standing the creation in 2003 of a National Council for Cultural and Arts, I suppose this to happen because these decisions the Chilean state takes are not submitted to customary controls of legal, financial, managerial or accountable nature.
Not to mention these control to be known for a vast majority of the public opinion.

Author Biography

Cristian David Antoine Faúndez, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Doctor en Ciencias de la Información. Académico de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile.