Challenges to the existence of a democratic public sphere in the digital society

Published 2023-04-21
Section Research Articles


  • Juan María Martinez Otero



Public sphere, Social networks, Democracy, Pluralism, Transparency


The present paper discusses how the growing prominence of social networks in public debate can imply serious risks for the public sphere, and therefore pose a real threat to democracy itself. First, the paper identifies the basic characteristics of a typical democratic public sphere (pluralism, diversity, transparency, communality, veracity), presenting how these characteristics are guaranteed by Spanish Media Law. Second, the paper discusses how the dynamics of social networks can jeopardize each of those characteristics. The analysis will be based on a review of the most recent bibliography on the subject. Having presented the dangers that misuse of social networks entails for the public sphere, the study concludes by offering a catalogue of measures that public authorities, industry and Internet users can adopt to overcome the risks identified, and to foster a free, robust public space, which is a conditio sine quae non for the existence of a democracy.

Author Biography

Juan María Martinez Otero

profesor Ayudante Doctor en el Departamento de Derecho Administrativo y Procesal de la Universidad de Valencia (España). Entre sus principales áreas de estudio se encuentran la protección de los menores en el entorno audiovisual y los desafíos que plantea al Derecho el avance de las tecnologías de la comunicación. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en lasUniversidades de Oxford, Cambridge y King’s College London.