Review of the Judgment on the Concept of «Consumer»

Published 2023-06-07
Section Current legal news


  • Erika Marlene Isler Soto Universidades Bernardo O’ Higgins, Santiago de Chile, y Gabriela Mistral.



consumer, right to security, damages, liability


This document refers to a judgment of the Court of Valparaíso
pronounced on the requirement to be considered a consumer under the
Chilean Consumer Law. Accordingly, it refers to the right of security in consumption and the need to prove damages in order to claim them.

Author Biography

Erika Marlene Isler Soto, Universidades Bernardo O’ Higgins, Santiago de Chile, y Gabriela Mistral.

Candidata a Doctor en Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Académica de las Universidades Bernardo O’ Higgins, Santiago de Chile, y Gabriela Mistral, Santiago de Chile. Becaria Conicyt, Chile