La Dirección de Presupuestos: en la sala de máquinas del presidencialismo chileno

Published 2024-07-11
Section Research Articles




Budget Office, presidentialism, informal institutions.


The Office of Budget in the Treasury is one of the most important, but not studied, institutions in the Chilean presidential regime. This paper examines its evolution and its influence in the policymaking process analyzing not only formal rules but also informal attributions. The research concludes that DIPRES, which is in the “engine room” of the Chilean presidential regime, has some institutional challenges that must be considered.

Author Biography

Sebastian Soto Velasco, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Derecho, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile. Máster en Derecho (LLM) Universidad de Columbia y Doctor en Derecho de la Universidad de Chile.