Militarism, racism and barbarian sensibilities: sociogenesis of the authoritarianism of social control and punishment in the Southern Cone

Published 2023-06-06
Section Research Articles




Latin America, authoritarianism, Southern Cone, social control, punishment


Militarism, racism and barbarian sensibilities are analyzed as sociocultural peculiarities that, resulting from long-term social processes in the Southern Cone of Latin America, have repercussions for the characteristics and keys of interpretation of the systems of social control and punishment existing today. This is an exploratory research work with a bibliographic basis, its main point of reference being the processual sociology of Norbert Elias. Its results contribute both to highlighting elements of authoritarian amalgams and social microdespotisms, and to the drafting of an investigation agenda in the field of the Historical Sociology of Punishment.

Author Biography

Luiz Antônio Bogo Chies, Universidad Católica de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brasil
