“Penal mediation: a good tool in conflict resolution”

Published 2023-06-06
Section Research Articles


  • Laura Paredes Galiana
  • María Paz García-Longoria Serrano




Conflicts, Mediation, Justice, Penal mediation, Victim


This work presents the knowledge, opinions and perceptions of penal mediation, and the possibility of establishing such a system, among law professionals in Murcia. The quantitative method was based on the technique used, the survey. The sample consisted of 33 persons, all connected with the judicial field. The main results show clearly that penal mediation is a good alternative because it can resolve non-material conflicts, for example those with psychological, emotional and relational components. The principal advantages are the speed of the process and the possibility of better communication between the parties. The main disadvantage is that offenders can use mediation to their own benefit. The advantages for victims are that they can understand the aggressor’s position and the facts surrounding the situation; their fears of a repeat of the incident can be reduced or eliminated, and there is a chance of reaching a satisfactory agreement. For the offenders, the main advantages are a possible reduction in the sentence, and the psychological benefits of asking for forgiveness or acknowledging the incident.

Author Biographies

Laura Paredes Galiana

Educadora Social y experta en Mediación. Formadora en centros educativos de Cartagena, Murcia, en el ámbito de la mediación escolar. Actualmente, vinculada a la Universidad de Murcia, como doctoranda en el programa de Educación: Políticas, prácticas y evaluación en contextos formativos y socioeducativos.

María Paz García-Longoria Serrano

Profesora titular de la Universidad de Murcia. Coordinadora del Máster Universitario en Mediación y Decana de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Murcia.