The links between the standardization and innovation in Colombia: an introductory study

Published 2023-06-07
Section Ciencia Política


  • Santiago Borda Esquivel Universidad del Rosario



Standarization, innovation, technology innovation, Colombia


The work verifies the empirical relationship between innovation
and standardization. For this a correlation is calculated from the Technological
Innovation Survey for the services sector (EDITS II). A positive correlation
of almost 50 % is found for the variables that measure the amount of
innovations implemented and the technical certifications acquired by companies
in 2008-2009. Additionally it was found that for most companies,
standards restrict innovation more than they enable it. It may possible that
the structure of the questions impedes reaching more conclusive results; it
does not differentiate between a mandatory and a voluntary standard. More
rigorous studies are needed to validate this question. The paper also discusses
the recommendations of the OECD for innovation surveys in developing
countries and proposes strategies for identifying information that could justify
policy intervention. Finally, the paper makes a policy recommendation
to coordinate the Colombian government actions on quality and innovation.

Author Biography

Santiago Borda Esquivel, Universidad del Rosario

Economista y Estudiante de Ciencia Política de la Universidad de Rosario. Bogotá, Colombia.