Debate about the Legal Discourse: Contingence and Possible Changes in the Meanings of the Concept of «Citizenship»

Published 2023-06-07
Section Derecho


  • Helga María Lell CONICET / CICJ, FCEyJ (UNLPam)



Active citizenship, legal discourse, migrations, democratization


The aim of this article is to analyze some ideas onwhether the
inclusion of foreigners whoportray certaincharacteristicsinto the Election
Register of the «Nationals», that is politically active inhabitants,is recommended.
The former, in the context of expansion or retraction of the democratizationprocesses.
In particular, we intend to think about how the presence of the foreigners in a territory of a certain State (usually linked to the idea of the national space) puts social mechanisms of inclusion or exclusion to work that are joined and supported by the legal discourse.