The human right to cultural identity of migrant women – from a gender perspective – and its incorporation in Chile

Published 2022-10-07
Section Derecho




Cultural identity, human rights, non-discrimination, principle of equality, gender perspective, migrant women


In this article we affirm recognition of the human right to cultural identity of migrant women in Chilean Law, considering its justification and standards developed in International Human Rights Law. To do this, we review, from a gender perspective, its sources, applicable international jurisprudence, and the incorporation of this international standard in the Chilean legal system,
considering the jurisprudential criteria issued by the highest courts of the country. The results are presented in two parts: (i) Review of international law – Universal System and Inter-American Human Rights System – applicable in the recognition of the right to cultural identity of migrant women; (ii) Review of applicable Chilean law in the recognition of the right to cultural identity of migrant women. The methodology used is dogmatic study of normative sources, bibliographic review and jurisprudential verification.

Author Biography

Glorimar León Silva, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, Santiago, Chile
