Property and charity in Locke: a critical analysis of Juliana Udi’s interpretative proposal

Published 2019-06-24
Section Research Articles


  • José Miguel González Zapata
  • Luciano Simonetti Izquierdo



Charity, Property, Natural Law, John Locke, C.B Macpherson, Leo Strauss, Juliana Udi


This work presents a critical analysis of Juliana Udi’s interpretation of the role that charity plays in Locke’s theory of property. In order to do this, we first explain the predominant interpretation of this theory, based on the work of two of its main authors: Leo Strauss and C. B. Macpherson. Secondly,we expound the main arguments and characteristics of Udi's reading of charity
in Locke. Thirdly, we present our criticisms and constructive observations on her proposal. We conclude by proposing a categorization that explains, nonsynthetically, the tensions existing in the Lockean Corpus.

Author Biographies

José Miguel González Zapata

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Tutor Académico de Derecho Público, Universidad Central de Chile.

Luciano Simonetti Izquierdo

Licenciado en Ciencias Jurídicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.