The comprehensive approach. Analysis of a model for civil-military interaction

Published 2023-06-06
Section Research Articles


  • Javier Ruiz Arevalo



CIMIC, Comprehensive approach, post-conflict, counter insurgency, stabilization


From the 1st World War to the Afghan conflict, the civil-military relationship has evolved dramatically, developing from mere coexistence to the cooperation required in stabilization operations. A huge effort has been necessary to define areas of responsibility and to elaborate coordination procedures. This process, still ongoing, has given birth to the Comprehensive Approach concept, intended to allow was much coordination as possible, compatible with the actors’ independence and peculiarities.

Author Biography

Javier Ruiz Arevalo

Coronel Jefe del Centro de Apoyo Logístico a las Operaciones. Licenciado en Derecho. Autor de varios libros y artículos sobre cooperación cívico militar centrados especialmente en Afganistán