Restorative justice as a mechanism of transitional justice for the treatment of armed conflicts

Published 2023-09-15
Section Research Articles




Armed conflicts, restorative justice, transitional justice, mediation and negotiation


The objective of this article is to analyze the contribution that can offer to transitional justice processes the guidelines and mechanisms of restorative justice, to negotiate peace in armed conflicts. For which a qualitative methodology was used with a descriptive and exploratory design, with a historical approach and with secondary sources consisting of international treaties, studies, peace agreements and comparative experiences. Study in which it is concluded that armed conflicts are part of the history of humanity, being the twentieth century one of the most lethal, compared to those required to mitigate their serious consequences, implement transitional justice processes, which needs to incorporate as one of its forms of intervention, mechanisms of restorative justice, doctrine that through processes of mediated negotiation, allows to clarify the truth, repair the victims, preserve the historical memory and build paths of peace.

Author Biographies

Johanna Faúndez Carril, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


Isabel González Ramírez, Universidad Central de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
