The right to political participation of people with disabilities: the situation in Spain after more than a decade of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities coming into effect.

Published 2023-06-05
Section Research Articles


  • Leonor Lidón Heras



Right to vote, disability, human rights, Spain, committee on the Rights of Perons with Disabilities


The violation of the right to vote in Spain has a double dimension since people with disabilities may be denied the right to register as voters and the right to vote.
This article presents a factual, legal and jurisprudential analysis of the situation regarding the right to vote of people with disabilities in Spain. The analysistakes as its starting points the essential content of the right established by article 29 of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and the conditions established by its Committee in its general observations and jurisprudence.
The conclusions show that the restriction of this right implies a violation of freedom, equality and non-discrimination, which, according to the human rights model of the Convention, may not suffer any restriction.

Author Biography

Leonor Lidón Heras

Licenciada en Derecho (ICADE) y Doctora en Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Justicia Internacional (Universidad de Valencia, 2013).

Profesional jurídica con amplia experiencia en el ámbito del Tercer Sector (ONG’s) y de la Economía Social. Ha trabajado en el sector de la discapacidad desde el año 1999 en el ámbito de Fundación ONCE, Fundosa Grupo, FEACEM y CERMI, donde desarrolló con éxito el binomio jurídico derechos humanos y discapacidad, especialmente en la asesoría jurídica y en la elaboración del Informe anual de Derechos Humanos y Discapacidad.