Rethinking development: from recognition as a Human Right to Buen Vivir and other alternatives

Published 2024-06-21
Section Research Articles




Right to development, human rights, sustainability, development alternatives


This article analyzes the content and scope of the concept of development and its recognition as human right, reviewing the main criticisms to its implementation based on economistic and anthropocentric criteria from the Western perspective, which have driven the (re) emergence of other theories that seek to set themselves up as alternatives to development. Considering the existence of a wide range of positions, using mainly dogmatic and deductive-inductive methods, we analyze the foundations and contents of Buen Vivir and its relationship with other theories, to identify the contributions that these ideas can make when designing and articulating social and public policies in this area.

Author Biography

Nathalia Da Costa, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Santiago, Chile

Pos-doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Bolonia (Italia), Doctora en Derecho y Magíster en Ciencia Jurídica por la PUC (Chile), Master en Es­tudios Latinoamericanos por la Universidad de Salamanca (España), Experta en Pue­blos Indígenas, Derechos Humanos y Cooperación Internacional por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (España). Académica e investigadora del Instituto de Filosofía Juvenal Dho, de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (Chile).